Thursday, February 10, 2011


Ok so I'm not the most out going person so writing this blog is a little bit o a challenge. The reason I started this was because I read a story today about how facebook took away someone's 'like' page  because someone flagged some of her pictures. At the time it was taken away she had about 1500 'likes' and facebook told her there was no way to get the page back. Luckily after a lot of heartache she was able to get it up and running again.  Needless to say I don't want that to happen to me.

The other reason for starting this blog is my main way of advertising is through giveaways. Last year I did a number of reviews and giveaways with some success. But I had an idea instead of giving a diaper to someone to review and then another for a giveaway why not just host the giveaways myself. So I'm going to start doing a monthly giveaway to my blog subscribers! I also have some other freebies up my sleeve so stay tuned.


  1. What a great idea! WE LOVE TWINKLETOES DIAPERS! :)

  2. Thanks! Where have you been? Start nursing school and drop off of facebook.

  3. SUPER Idea! I can't wait to see what is to come! :)

  4. Yes Ma'am you know it. I now live, eat, sleep and breath nursing. It is really intense but I am really enjoying it already. I hope all is going well with you and your family and wish you luck with your new blogging adventure! :)
